Chester Freedom Ministries

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Share Your Story

We hope you remember this account from a few weeks ago — after the disciples on the road to Emmaus encoutered the resurrected Christ, their hearts were burning and ran back to Jerusalem to share their story.

Last week, we extended the opportunity for you to share your stories of how wonderful and intense your time with Jesus has been. We want to hear your stories so that they can be an encouragement to others on this journey. We have received a few, but we had great expectations for more. 

I’m going to share a couple of my experiences here and hopefully they will encourage you to allow even the small moments to have a great impact.

One day I was driving down I–77 after visiting someone in the hospital. As I was driving, I was simply praying and praising God. His presence became so real that it was as though the car was full of God. I pulled over for a bit just to enjoy His presence.

On another occasion, I was in a very bad place, spiritually. I know the truth, but knowing it is not always the same as living it. In desperation, I cried out to God from a secluded place and I heard Him speak. His speaking was not audible, but it came through clearly in my spirit. He simply told me that I didn’t have to live in the place I was in. He showed me I had a choice — a choice to move from Depression Drive to Hallelujah Boulevard! It was a simple word, but it was exactly what I needed to begin a road to recovery. That road led to repentance and more tears. But out of that time came peace and joy. What a day!

Please, take a few moments to give us a snapshot of God’s encounters with you — even if just for the encouragement of this group.

For our King,